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Architectural Design Project

Pre-Design Studies & Analysis

The first part of the final semester project, understanding how to create architecture with an impact.


In this phase, we were to divide into groups to investigate, study and analyse our site - in the city of Melaka - to gain familiarity with the chosen location for our project.


The objective of the project was to immerse oneself in the city and determine a 'sense of place,' by observing the current site conditions and understanding our project's target users and project objectives, and subsequently develop a strategy and program that aligns with the project's typology and parameters. Our group's takeaway was that the site had the potential to act as a gateway, bridging disconnected communities and districts in the surrounding area and create a new place for meaningful local engagement.

Shipyard Park: Anchorage in the City of Melaka

Now that we had determined a theme and narrative for each of our respective projects, our goal was to design an Urban Room/City Hub that would serve as the city's "Third Place." The design was to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG10, which aims to reduce inequalities and promote inclusivity, and SDG11, which emphasizes the role of architecture in creating sustainable cities and communities.


The concept revolved around creating an urban space that would act as a "neutral platform" or a "third place," catering to the needs, wants, and desires of Melaka's inhabitants. Our intention was to design an architectural solution that seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric, enhancing the overall quality of the environment and contribute positively to our chosen community's well-being.


My project aims to reconnect the two disconnected commercial and tourist/heritage districts on the north and south sections of the site, while expanding on the site's nearby existing port and boat maintenance facilities to create a boatmaking facility with provisions for public spaces to rest, pause and host events for the local community.

© 2022 by Benjamin Yeung

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